Back to the Met, where we saw the Doobies last year and Steely Dan before that. I love that venue but HATE the City of Philly's not letting you come in there to do ANYTHING without trying to suck major money out of you! $50 again to park...compared to Yes last year at the Keswick Theater...$0 to park!
But that aside, tickets were pretty reasonable...$39.50 & $67.50 and this year we not only got a Roger Dean art exhibit but the man himself coming out at the beginning for a short talk about his start in art and a short history. I could tell most the audience was not up for a speech but were tolerant enough to listen for the 20 odd minutes he spoke. It was all pretty interesting to me as he bemoaned how BORING architecture had become as he entered the field.
Glad Yes is still putting out albums and still drastically changing their setlists from year to year, as compared to others, like Foreigner and Chicago, just doing the same songs tour after tour. I mean, I want some VALUE for my money!
Yes already cut one of the new songs from the show, All Connected, after opening night to put crowd pleaser Starship Trooper back in. Okay, I can understand compromises. It was was good and the guy near me, Ed, said that was the one he came to hear. But I was glad to the other newbie, Cut From the Stars, and Machine Messiah. And Going for the One in ORIGINAL KEY!!!!!
Turn of the Century, in honor of drummer Alan White who died last year, came off beautifully, as did the excerpts from Tales From Topographic Oceans. And I never thought I'd hear Don't Kill the Whale again. An interesting choice.