After seeing a great Yes concert in Saratoga,NY, I could barely wait the 4 days to see them again. I was hoping they would be as good in NJ, but instead they were even better!
I think part of that was the crowd. In Saratoga Jon spoke a lot between songs, but tonight the crowd was so into it and cheered so intensely after each song that the only way they could quiet the crowd was to start the next song.
The highlight of the evening was Gates, which was the most incredible version I had ever head. Steve's playing was off the charts. After the battle section the crowd went nuts. A close second was Jon's incredible singing of "I get up, I get down" in the Middle of Close to the edge. He was so on it gave me chills. And just when you think he can't top his last solo, Steve does an amazing solo during Perpetual Change.
Chris gave 2 incredible bass solo's, the first during Starship Trooper, and the second during Ritual almost blew the roof of the place.
The orchestra was again to me a non-factor. I could hear them a little but the band really overpowered them, which quite frankly was fine with me. The kid playing keyboards was surprisingly good. He was able to hold is own and had some nice moments, which was really all you could ask for.