This was my first Yes concert! I'd discovered and gotten into Yes circa 1981, when they were broken up, so when this lineup formed, I knew I had to go see them, since it might be my only time. (I've seen them about 13 times since then....)
The 90125 material came across as boring compared to the older material. Of course, at that time I really didn't care for the Rabin-era songs; it's taken a long time for it to find its place in my esteem. Tony Kaye knocked a synth over right after the first song (“Leave it”), and I thought “Great, there goes the concert,” but everything was fine. The electronics were tougher than I gave them credit for. A guy sitting next to us handed my friend some binoculars during Chris Squire's bass solo and said, “Check out the man on that bass.” My friend took a look and said, “I think the bass is on that man.”
On the whole, the concert was very good. I was just thrilled to have finally gotten to see Yes.