My first Yes show. After loving this band for 15 years I finally went to see them. Rabin was incredible on "And You And I". This was the best version I ever heard, and I'm a huge Howe fan.
I remember the acoustics were pretty bad and so were my seats. There were a few nasty feedbacks when the show started, but overall I was hooked. Me and my girlfreind were blown away. There would be more Yesshows in store for us. This was very memorable.
Jeff Watson
Wow, I was listening to Yes this evening with my 15 year old son and And You and I came on. I told him about my first Yes concert, (this one) and how that song was so powerful and dramatic.
It's amazing now all these years later to see this and remember that night.
As a side note, I took him to his first concert in '04, Yes and Dream Theater at the Allentown Fair in Pennsylvania.
Joseph Shelby
I'll also bear witness that the "opener" was a Popeye cartoon. Specifically, "Popeye vs. Sinbad the Sailor". I remember well, because its one of my favorite cartoons of all time.
On their "Big Generator" tour, in Largo Md. (Capital Center). Their opening act was a Popeye cartoon. Dunno if this is that unique or not, but it was cool.