I saw this one. It was my first rock concert ever and I just went because of that. It was held in a flat gym type room with folding metal chairs. There were I would guess 200 people there. It cost two dollars. A band called Blues Project played first. Yes came on. I don't know when I started to "get it". Each band member did a solo bit. Steve played the Clap and as I remember he broke into Mason Williams' Classical Gas during a part in the Clap where you can do that. I remember being amazed at what Chris did with the bass, playing chords and stuff. They did Perpetual Change for the encore. I know they did Yours is No Disgrace. They may have done Roundabout but I know they didn't do Heart of the Sunrise. Anyway, it was an off campus trip from a boarding school, and only about ten people went, while two busloads had just gone to see the Allman Brothers. We were all impressed, and I became a fan.