The original show was rained out,about 20 min's. into edgar's show. It then almost turned into a blod bath."Everyone was so pissed'1 "Rain or shine", was the chant,as the ticket's stub said. Bottle were rain'n onto the stage.exploding off of the sound train's amp's, people within min's were run'n around covered in blood. Lot's of trip'd out people, fucked up on acid and now they got'a leave, all fucked up. The cop's used to let ya just party in the open back then as long as everyone was being cool.The show's cost was like $6.59 with 3 act's, they were great. These were "rosk icon's, mega star's. One of the frist show's at Dillion was "Bad Finger' with Rod, and there was this "high wire circus atc" being performed above the stage as the show was going on ,it was something else, "those were the day's", Deep Purple was being outlawed, "cause they traveled with like 36 ton's of equipment" and were the loudest fuck'n band on earth! rock on! Often have wondered, how many musician's came up out of these show's,.
Jeff Conrod
just checked and the show was played on 9/25/72.
Jeff Conrod
This show was rained out.The band finished the leg they were on,went back to England,played some shows there,then came back to the U.S.and played the show on 9/24/72.This sight has them playing another show on that day but I'm but i'm pretty sure that the hrtfrd date is I listed is correct.I have a friend that still has the ticket stub and reviews from the show,so I'll check.I hope this clears things up.