![]() 7 months and 27 days ago Sunday, August 4, 2024 La Vista, Nebraska The Astro 2,400 capacity
Brennen Ames Saturday, March 22, 2025 7:28 AM I heard that Jon Anderson and Carl Palmer where playing in my home state and I was beyond excited. I believe around late april it was announced. About 2 weeks before the show, it was moved from the outdoor venue (5500) to the inside theather (2400) and we were given very nice seats inside. It was very hot outside that day. I had seen derek trucks the week before and it was terrible outside, almost unbearable. Well the day of the show finally came and i was ready to see my favorite musicians. I arrived just on time but didn't have anytime to spare. Palmers show started with video projections of tv references to elp including some simpsons clips. Then Carl Palmer took the stage with his 2 other bandmates. His drums were in the middle and on a platform. This was the first I had seen for a drummer. Later he said he would bring out 2 other musicians and I didn't know who he was speaking off. Then he said they were Keith Emerson and Greg Lake. They did their songs and Palmers other 2 new bandmates joined. He also performed the best drum solo I've ever seen. The solo included him playing just his sticks. Then he announced this was his last song of the night, Fanfare for the common man. I was a little disappointed at his because I wanted to hear Rondo or America. Little did I realize the worked those songs into a medley so before I knew it I was hearing Emersons organ being abused and I was going crazy. It was amazing to see Carl Palmer playing along with them, and I had never heard the song this loud before so it was amazing. Palmer is the best drummer I've seen live. Then after his set I bought some merch and went back down to see Jon Anderson. I had recently become a Yes fan and this was the first time he had been in Nebraska in my lifetime (last was in 1987) and the first time anyone from yes had been in the state since 2013 (not with Anderson) the show started with the firebird suite, a staple at Yes shows. Then the band went into yours is no disgrace and I beyond impressed by not only the musicians but Jon's voice and how it sounded the same. I loved seeing Close to the edge and it was a highlight of the night. Then for And you and I Jon announced they had found a guitarist at the previous show 2 nights before in kansas city. He played acoustic on the song and it was incredible. He played 2 new songs from the new album and they were incredible, Jon has an incredible presence on stage he's 79 and moves and sings amazingly. By far the best show I've ever seen |