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Radio interviews 1974 - 1987 1.01 - 1974-02-xx - Radio Interview with ED Sciaky (rebroadcast in the 1990s) (17.33) 1.02 - 1977-08-01 - Radio Interview with Ed Sciaky, WIOQ (48.30) ============================== 2.01 - 1978-09-04 - Radio Interview with Ed Sciaky, WIOQ (broadcast in 2 parts on 1978-09-08 and 1978-10-25) (32.10) 2.02 - 1978-09-12 - Radio Interview, WIOQ (broadcast live) (9.26) 2.03 - 1979-06-22 - Radio Interview, WIOQ (broadcast live) (26.37) ============================== 3.01 - 1980-05-23 - Phone Interview from London, with Vangelis (13.39) 3.02 - 1981-09-28 - Interview Rockline (11.34) 3.03 - 1981-10-07 - Radio Interview, WYSP (36.01) 3.04 - 1987-02-xx - Interview (recorded in Los Angeles) (17.58) ============================== 4.01 - 1987-07-19 - Yescon 87-WYSP Radio with Ed Sciaky (audience questions/comments) (31.11) 4.02 - 1987-11-30 - Radio Interview, WMMR (23.20) 4.03 - 1987-12-01 - Radio Interview with Ed Sciaky, WYSP (16.50) ============================== 1.01 Jon Anderson Radio Interview with ED Sciaky Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA February 1974 Jon discusses the album "Tales from Topographic Oceans". This version of the interview has the questions largely edited out. It is mainly Jon's commentary on the "Tales" album. I believe this recording came from a rebroadcast in the 1990's. Whether it is the complete interview or not I cannot say, although it seems like it might be (minus the questions). Lineage: Maxell Normal Bias Cassette (Unknown Generation) (dolby off) > Mini Disc (MDSP)** > Audacity > WAV > CD Wave Editor > edit track > TLH > Check for Sector Boundary Issues: None > TLH > Flac - level 6 > Dime Upped on Dime by woolie ----------------------------------------------------- 1.02 Jon Anderson Interview with Ed Sciaky WIOQ Radio Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 1977-08-01 Jon discusses the album "Going for the One", the departure of Patrick Moraz, the return of Rick Wakeman, "Olias of Sunhillow", and more. Lineage: Maxell Normal Bias Cassette (Unknown Generation) (dolby off) > Mini Disc (MDSP) > Audacity > WAV > TLH > Check for Sector Boundary Issues: None > TLH > Flac - level 6 > Dime Upped on Dime by woolie ----------------------------------------------------- 2.01 Jon Anderson (Yes) Interview with Ed Sciaky @ WIOQ recorded 1978-09-04 in New Haven broadcast in 2 parts on 1978-09-08 and 1978-10-25 (Jon's birthday) Contrast clause: I was asked to upload the full interview by woolie, the original seeder of the shorter version, which can be found here: [Link] My version came to me via tape trades back in early 80's. Lineage is unknown, but quality here is excellent. The music tracks of the commercial albums have been removed leaving a 32 minute interview. Tapes > WAV files > Sound Forge > you I opted to just leave this as one full track. 1. Jon Anderson - Ed Sciaky interview WIOQ 1978-09-04 Complete 32:10 enjoy! Relayerman yestorrent ----------------------------------------------------- 2.01 2.02 2.03 3.01 Jon Anderson WIOQ Radio Interviews with Ed Sciaky Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 2.01 Jon Anderson 1978-09-04* (interview recorded in New Haven, Connecticut) 2.02 Jon Anderson 1978-09-12** (interview recorded at WIOQ and broadcast live) 2.03 Jon Anderson 1979-06-22 (interview recorded at WIOQ and broadcast live) 3.01 Jon Anderson 1980-05-23*** (phone interview from London, with Vangelis) * Includes Jon's commentary on "Tormato" ** This is the Jon portion of the interview, with a bit of Steve Howe. The entire interview, which I no longer have, included more from Steve Howe and Alan white at the end. *** Jon discusses his departure from Yes. Lineage: Maxell Normal Bias Cassette (Unknown Generation) (dolby off) > Mini Disc (MDSP) > Audacity > WAV > CD Wave Editor > edit track > Audacity > speed correction > TLH > Fix Sector Boundary Errors > TLH > Flac - level 6 > Dime woolie September 2012 ----------------------------------------------------- 3.02 Jon Anderson 1981-09-28 Rockline Official Tracks removed Lineage: Maxell Normal Bias Cassette (unknown generation) (dolby off) > Mini Disc (MDSP) > Audacity > WAV > CD Wave Editor > edit track > TLH > Flac - level 6 > Dime woolie October 2012 ----------------------------------------------------- 3.03 Jon Anderson WYSP Radio Interview Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 1981-10-07 Interview conducted by Steve (don't recall his last name). Jon discusses his departure from Yes, his then yet to be released album "Animation", meeting Vangelis, "The Friends of Mr. Cairo", and more. Lineage: Maxell Normal Bias Cassette (master) (dolby off) > Mini Disc (MDSP) > Audacity > WAV > TLH > Flac - level 6 > Dime My sister recorded this interview off the radio while I was on my way to King of Prussia, PA to meet Jon at the 'Listening Booth' record store. ----------------------------------------------------- 3.04 Jon Anderson Radio Interview with Ed Sciaky Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 3.04 Jon Anderson February 1987 (recorded in Los Angeles, California)* * This interview was recorded with a portable cassette recorder near the speaker: NOT FM stereo quality, but still quite listenable. Lineage: Maxell Normal Bias Cassette (Unknown Generation) (dolby off) > Mini Disc (MDSP) > Audacity > WAV > CD Wave Editor > edit track > Audacity > speed correction > TLH > Flac - level 6 > Dime woolie September 2012 ----------------------------------------------------- 4.01 4.02 4.03 Jon Anderson 1987 Radio Interviews Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 4.01 Jon Anderson 1987-07-19 Yescon 87-WYSP Radio with Ed Sciaky and audience questions/comments 4.02 Jon Anderson 1987-11-30 WMMR Radio 4.03 Jon Anderson 1987-12-01 WYSP Radio with Ed Sciaky I believe these interviews were recorded with a portable cassette recorder near the speaker: NOT FM stereo quality, but still quite listenable. Lineage: Maxell Normal Bias Cassette (master) (dolby off) > Mini Disc (MDSP) > Audacity > WAV > CD Wave Editor > edit track > TLH > Flac - level 6 > Dime woolie October 2012 |