![]() 2001 - 08 - 08 Chicago - Illinois, USA 2001 - 08 - 08 Chicago - Illinois, USA Arie Crown Theater ![]() 854.42 MB
- 1.01 Give Love Each Day (1.51) 1.02 Close To The Edge (20.38) 1.03 Listen To Your Heart - Long Distance Runaround (5.36) 1.04 Don't Go (5.43) 1.05 In The Presence Of (11.24) 1.06 The Gates Of Delerium (23.16) 1.07 The Clap - The Little Galliard (5.55) 1.08 Wonderous Stories (4.11) ============================== 2.01 Perpetual Change (11.30) 2.02 And You And I (12.12) 2.03 Ritual (29.25) 2.04 I've Seen All Good People (7.42) 2.05 Starship Trooper (12.41) 2.06 Roundabout (5.56) ============================== YES August 08, 2001 (Wednesday) Arie Crown Theatre Chicago, Illinois, USA Jon Anderson - vocals, guitar & percussion Steve Howe - guitars, vocals Chris Squire - bass, vocals & timpani Alan White - drums & percussion Tom Brislin - keyboards, vocals with William Straumburg conducting the Chicago Symphony Orchestra This was provided on 3 Maxell branded silver discs way back in 2001. Extracted with xACT, edited and retracked with Sound Studio and compressed to FLAC with xACT. This is one of those tricky tapes. If you ever wondered why people sometimes don't share tapes, this is a fine example of that. The taper had perfect positioning to capture the show and the Symphony in a fantastic hall with excellent acoustics... and then he was blessed with that fantastic Chi-Town Audience participation! You can even hear Jon getting annoyed with some of the audience members at times... Fortunate that this was shared are the hard-core collectors and listeners, especially those of Chris Squire, because this tape pulls stuff that isn't on any of the others. The definition of Squire's bass is fantastic and he is just "on" all night. Right up there in the mix where you want him. I haven't heard another Symphonic tape that captures what he is doing this well. There was enough clapping on this tape for about a dozen shows, and all of that was captured flawlessly. I spent something like 3 days off and on manually lowering clap spikes in the waveform and adjusting the volume of some of the whoops, but I did not alter or process the sound in any other way. So while this is not a tape for the casual collector, those who can get past a few jerks in the crowd will be rewarded with some really choice bits. For what its worth, by the 2 encores the really annoying audience have moved away or gone home. Thanks to Jose for sending me this less than a month after the show! Yaaay snailmail! Total Time (158:05) Disc One (78:34) 1.01 Give Love Each Day (1.51) 1.02 Close To The Edge (20.38) 1.03 Listen To Your Heart - Long Distance Runaround (5.36) 1.04 Don't Go (5.43) 1.05 In The Presence Of (11.24) 1.06 The Gates Of Delerium (23.16) 1.07 The Clap - The Little Galliard (5.55) 1.08 Wonderous Stories (4.11) Disc Two (79:26) 2.01 Perpetual Change (11.30) 2.02 And You And I (12.12) 2.03 Ritual (29.25) 2.04 I've Seen All Good People (7.42) 2.05 Starship Trooper (12.41) 2.06 Roundabout (5.56) [Link] Support the Band. Buy their stuff. Trade the live audience recordings freely & turn your friends on to this kind of music, then form a band and play shit like this. I dare you! Enjoy the show! Remember this is for free trade and distribution only, never for sale! Keep it Lossless, Keep it safe. Enjoy! |