![]() YesSymphonic Interlochen 2001 - 08 - 14 Interlochen - Michigan, USA Interlochen Center For The Arts ![]() 759.62 MB
Taped & transferred by TT - Mono recording 1.01 Close To The Edge (first few minutes missing) (18.28) 1.02 Orchestral Intro (1.16) 1.03 Long Distance Runaround (5.19) 1.04 Don't Go (5.14) 1.05 In The Presence Of (11.29) 1.06 The Gates Of Delirium (22.46) ============================== 2.01 Sketches In The Sun (3.57) 2.02 The Clap (4.47) 2.03 Wonderous Stories (3.57) 2.04 Perpetual Change (12.18) 2.05 And You And I (12.40) 2.06 Ritual (29.15) ============================== 3.01 I've Seen All Good People (10.49) 3.02 Starship Trooper (12.13) 3.03 Roundabout (6.31) ============================== Yes Interlochen Center For The Arts Interlochen, MI August 14, 2001 Source: DSM-6S > Sony MZR70 Lineage: Sony MZR70 > analog transfer to standalone CD recorder > CDR > xACT > FLAC (level 8) Taping location: Front row center Taped & transferred by: TT This is a MONO recording, done from the front row about five feet in front of the orchestra PA. This is a unique recording as it emphasizes the orchestra parts, often at the expense of the rest of the band. The late Michele Marie Moore (R.I.P.) wrote a detailed description of the recording, which is below. I am posting this show with the thought that some people might want to check out the orchestra parts, since they are pretty much drowned out in every other recording of this tour. I will post more of my other Symphonic shows later. DISC 1: 64:32 1.01 Close To The Edge (first few minutes missing) (18.28) 1.02 Orchestral Intro (1.16) 1.03 Long Distance Runaround (5.19) 1.04 Don't Go (5.14) 1.05 In The Presence Of (11.29) 1.06 The Gates Of Delirium (22.46) DISC 2: 66:54 2.01 Sketches In The Sun (3.57) 2.02 The Clap (4.47) 2.03 Wonderous Stories (3.57) 2.04 Perpetual Change (12.18) 2.05 And You And I (12.40) 2.06 Ritual (29.15) DISC 3: 29:33 3.01 I've Seen All Good People (10.49) 3.02 Starship Trooper (12.13) 3.03 Roundabout (6.31) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michele Marie Moore's notes: This is a rather unusual recording, and will *not* be to everyone's taste. Read the notes that follow and make sure you want to collect this show. The "star" of this particular recording is the orchestra. The mic placement in the venue was such that the orchestra is at times heard more loudly than the band. For those of you who really want to know what the trumpets were playing at a particular moment, or what countermelody was carried by the second violins during And You and I, this would be a recording you would enjoy. If you prefer to hear the band in front of everything, this is not the weed for you. Disc 1: 6 tracks - Playing time: 64:36 1. CTTE: Orchestral overture and opening of CTTE is missing. Track 1 begins in the opening guitar section before the vocal entrance. Low volume at first, then increases. Vocals are low in this recording. Strings are quite a bit out of tune early in CTTE, but this seems to "clean up" in later sections. The orchestral parts in this song are extremely interesting, particularly the syncopated punctuation provided by strings and brass. Provides an interesting study of Groupe's arranging style. Very clear woodwinds and brass in the fugues section... nice! String and percussion contributions during the quiet, trance-like middle section of the song are wonderful! Brislin's keyboards are overwhelmed by the orchestra in the crescendo section of "I Get Up, I Get Down." The orchestra in the forefront of this section gives it a completely different kind of exciting punch. Hearing the strings support the guitar melody at the beginning of "Seasons of Man" was kind of strange and unexpected. Again, Brislin's keyboards were swallowed up, barely discernible. Good recording, but very different! 2. Excerpt from "Give Love Each Day," leading into "Long Distance Runaround" Lovely! Wonderful orchestra fidelity and dynamics! 3. LDR: Seems a little fast, but nice interplay of strings with the guitar lead. 4. Don't Go: You don't expect to hear muted trumpets! They add a humorous aspect. 5. In The Presence Of: False start, quick recovery. Pizzicato strings and muted trumpets in the early section of "Turn around and remember" are very nice. But the oboe countermelody... never heard on any other boot... just gives chills! The orchestra parts are great in this song! The orchestra makes the long, extended crescendo in the final section into much more than it is even on the studio recording. 6. Gates of Delirium: Orchestra and band not together very well in the beginning, but this is remedied before the vocals begin. Pretty intense! Disc 2: 6 tracks - Playing time: 66:58 1. Steve solo - don't know the name of it. Sweet!! 2. Steve - Clap - Perfection, as always. 3. Wonderous Stories - no orchestra, clean performance. 4. Perpetual Change - no orchestra - band is SMOKIN'!! 5. And You and I - vocals are very "in front" in the mix on this song. Orchestral embellishments are very nice here, many not audible on other recordings. Pretty nice! 6. Ritual - Balance between band and orchestra is fairly centered in this song... neither outplays the other. Orchestra offers nice support in "Nous Sommes du Soleil," expanding and embellishing a bit those segments we are used to hearing on mellotron. Nice arrangements for woodwinds. Drum interlude is VERY intense! You can feel it! Disc 3: 3 tracks - Playing time: 29:35 1. Your Move/I've Seen All Good People - Lots of audience sing-along. Strings quite noticeable during AGP section... strange to hear them "rockin'." 2. Starship Trooper - no orchestra - pretty intense jam in the last section. 3. Roundabout - abbreviated version. ....well, you know. |