![]() A New England Drama 1980 - 09 - 02 Portland - Maine, USA Cumberland County Civic Center ![]() 670.33 MB
Stereopseudophonic sound - Master audience tape from glasnostrd19 1.01 Does It Really Happen? (cuts in) (6.10) 1.02 Yours Is No Disgrace (10.53) 1.03 Into The Lens (9.22) 1.04 The Clap (4.46) 1.05 And You And I (10.03) 1.06 Go Through This (4.33) 1.07 Man In A White Car Suite (6.29) 1.08 We Can Fly From Here (6.36) 1.09 Tempus Fugit (6.08) ============================== 2.01 Amazing Grace ~ The Fish (9.50) 2.02 Machine Messiah (11.45) 2.03 Starship Trooper (14.58) 2.04 Roundabout (8.37) ============================== (while some would rather eat lobster dinner...) A New England Drama (part 1) Live in Merry- Go- Round Pseudophonic Stereo Sound Yes (sorta/maybe/kinda) Trevor Horne- vocals Geoff Downes- keyboards and white hat Steve Howe- guitar Chris Squire- bass Alan White- drums Cumberland County Civic Center Portland, Maine, U.S.A. September 2, 1980 performance quality: B+ recording quality: B to B+ source: master audience tape lineage: Realistic twinhead stereo microphone > Sony 158 cassette deck (dolby off) > Maxell XLI 90 min. cassettes (normal bias) > soundforge 4.5 > FLAC 6 > torrentially yours. The Masters of Rock series rages on and on. This one is a 3 step, 60% of Yes torrent. A This and That production (and what a production). setlist: disc 1 1:05:00 1.01 Does It Really Happen? (cuts in) (6.10) 1.02 Yours Is No Disgrace (10.53) 1.03 Into The Lens (9.22) 1.04 The Clap (4.46) 1.05 And You And I (10.03) 1.06 Go Through This (4.33) 1.07 Man In A White Car Suite (6.29) 1.08 We Can Fly From Here (6.36) 1.09 Tempus Fugit (6.08) disc 2 0:45:10 2.01 Amazing Grace ~ The Fish (9.50) 2.02 Machine Messiah (11.45) 2.03 Starship Trooper (14.58) 2.04 Roundabout (8.37) comments: I dunno, sometimes it seems it's just not a glasnostrd19 upload, if there isn't some weird twist to its history. Such as this one. A couple of buddies and myself went from Boston to Portland, to see three-fifths of a Yes concert. We got there in time, but they decide we got time, let's have a nice lobster dinner before the show. Not a bad idea, very New England, lobster is popular eats here. Especially in Portland, Maine. Famous for good crab and lobster (too bad that I can't eat either, and don't care for it much myself). Timing wasn't good though. One of them had my ticket. So it gets to near 8, then 8:15, we're supposed to be seeing a Buggles/Yes show and both my buds are still plowing their traps full of seafood. Somewhere. The crowd starts entering, the music begins, finally one of them emerges, still not finished. I'm ready to nail him in the face. Concert cuttage, even if it is BUGGLES yes, even if it"s Courtney Love! is TOTALLY bonos audios! I've lost a few friends because of that attitude (not here, I don't think.) I thought this company understood this, both like Yes alot. NOW I find out, only sorta kinda with this Drama tour version. Security guard is not sure what to make of my recorder but has plenty of time to look it over since everyone else is seated watching the beginning of the show. Finally he says okay go ahead. The Sony 158/ 153 and 152 decks were made to record, but not made to be inconspicuous. (and they're not). Well hey Jon Anderson didn't show up but does that make it a "no" concert? I wouldn't go thaaat far. This thing was my first Yes concert ever, and it's hard to call any concert without Rick Wakeman and Jon Anderson in it a Yes concert for me. This was especially evident in some of the Anderson Yes songs played in this concert. Trevor Horne is not Jon Anderson, and very few have his vocal range. I thought most of the Drama songs sounded quite good, and that was what I was most familiar with then, so I liked that, and go through this, the white car suite and we can fly also sounded well played and sung. Trevor tries to scream for lack of a high note in YIND, kind of amusing but it doesn't work very well. The Boston show (part 2 in terms of the concert date of this New England Drama) is better in parts, this in others, I think this recording came out a little better (crowd not as loud, also on the floor so the sound may be a bit more present here than in Boston show), but they're both masters, and sound pretty decent for hockey arena concert auds. I was on the floor for this, about 25 rows back, maybe about 10 seats to the right of dead center, I think this sounds a little clearer than the Boston one, and helped to convince me the only good Dolby.... is Thomas. (more on that subject later). This was my only visit (so far) to the Cumbersome County Civic Center. Portland is a nice place. That may be partly because it's so cumbersome (and roundabout) to get there. Couldn't go in a white car, couldn't fly from here, and yes, I really had to go through waiting outside the place for the bums with my ticket to finish their preshow lobster dinners, then after I got my ticket, did something I have never done before at an arena show- left my tape recorder recording on a seat while I was looking for my buddies (also my ride from Portland to Boston) who like I had not seen a show in Portland before. That was not the reason for the cut in YIND, someone bumped into the deck accidentally while going to their seat. Apparently the part while the deck was unattended (about 10 minutes) came out fine without interruption. If I had tried this the next week in Boston, I doubt I ever would have seen the deck or microphone again. This was a night I hope I never have to repeat... except the concert. I did and do enjoy hearing that again and now I can invite you to also. And Remember, IT's NOT real Yes (from 77-80 at least) without the PSEUDOPHONIC SURROUND MERRY GO ROUND STEREO SOUND. If it is, someone sold/traded you a bootleg bootleg and it is 0% yes. At least here, you get HALF of yes. three wholes, 2 Buggles make 1 whole, and 2 imposters. In glasnostrd19speak, even though Yes officially became the "Maybe" in 1980, Drama was a good tour, one of the only tours by anyone I saw twice, still sounded "yessy". I like the 90125 tour too, but that does NOT sound "yessy" to me at all. Sounds like Yes got their 84 tour confused with U-2's 92 Popmart tour to me. Do not sell this recording. Share freely and losslessly. |