52 years and 27 days ago Friday, August 11, 1972 Akron, Ohio Rubber Bowl, The 35,202 capacity
Jim Wiggin Sunday, July 26, 2015 8:08 AM I don't think Jim Gordon is remembering this correctly. I was a few years older and not tripping my balls off, although I was feeling very good. The Eagles and Mahavishnu Orchestra were both great, although one wondered about the act selection. There was incidental music playing through the speakers as the stage was changed for Yes. The music came up as the finale to the Firebird Suite started (which I'm guessing most audience members had never heard). The music got louder and louder and as the Stravinsky came to its huge conclusion the stage went absolutely black. After a few seconds of absolute darkness-and near silence because the audience was in shock--the lights came on, 10 times brighter than before, with Yes on stage, launching into Close the Edge. I remember mostly white outfits and what seemed to be a lot of blond hair in the spotlights. Now, most people (me included) in the audience had never heard Close to the Edge, and the next 20 minutes was some of the most magical time I have ever experienced. The new music just blew us away, and by the time the seasons had passed us by and Jon had gotten up and down for the last time I was emotionally exhausted and simply amazed. So, I think Close to the Edge should be inserted into the set list as the first Yessong. Jim Gordon This was my first Yes concert.I could've sworn that they played a little bit of "No opporotunity needed,no experience neccasary" right at the start...Just a little bit of the horn part and then Chris Squire comes jumpin' out in his purple cape get up and wow...I am a Yes fan.... I had heard the Yes album and Fragile,but seeing that live ( i was fourteen and trippin' my ass off) REALLY expanded my horizons...Needless to say, I've seen them everytime I could in the past 31 years....Bring back a Roger Dean stageshow!!!! |