52 years, 1 month and 6 days ago Sunday, August 13, 1972 Columbia, Maryland Merriweather Post Pavillion 15,200 capacity
Steve Wehner Good gosh, man! Lets get all that Yes footage converted to DVD. I'll even foot the bill to have it done professionaly. I did that with my old home movies and my dad's old movies (his wedding from 1950) and it came out fatastic. Once its in DVD format you have a few avenues to share with the Yes community (Yesswap yahoo trading group or on dimeadozen if you can do bittorrent). relayerman@comcast.net the ancient so if you have the footage from the meriweather post 1972 show and atlanta will you please share it with the rest of the world omg I live like 20 minutes from meriweather i have the show from 72 and it is amazing so share please please please share Ron Gerber Like some others who posted reviews this was my first Yes concert. The friends I went with had previously seen them and ELP at the Spectrum in Philadelphia with Bruford on drums. I am a drummer and was excited to finally see BB live. While enroute to Merriweather we had the radio on and the DJ announced that Yes would be playing with a new drummer, Alan White. I was shattered. I loved White but Bruf was the main event for me. Good as I knew him to be White just wasn't going to play those parts like Bruford. Once we were at the venue we were taking in the stage set-up and soundboard. Standing behind the soundboard was a guy who looked incredibly like Eddie Offord. We figured it was just a guy who coincidentally looked like him. On a dare I went over and asked and (sure enough) found myself conversing with Eddie Offord (who, for us at least, was legendary). He confirmed the change in the line-up and and had nothing but great things to say about Alan's playing. The show was great but I have to admit I still left disappointed. I did shoot some super-8 movie film at that show and at other Yes concerts in Atlanta. The footage still exists. Jp It was a wonderful show, but a few items that I recall differently from the others. 1) Edgar Winter did not play at this show 2) Jon's lines about the rain was "If it starts raining, everyone in the back come up and we sit on each other's laps". 3) The thunderstorm actually started during Heart of the Sunrise...so ironic. Of course, the Chevalier memory trick (ah yes, I remember it well) could be at play here...lol! Great site guys! Jp Joe To Bad John Sullivan cant read. The guy didnt say they played anything from the ABWH but that they played AT that venue on that tour. Reading can do wonders. Anyways. I wasnt even born when this show happened. But I do know how to read and write English. Peace. john sullivan Hi I was at this concert and no they didn't play anything from ABWH as the last reviewer mentoned in fact this was about 15 years before that era. If I remember right White had just replaced Bruford 3 weeks earlier when he walked out of rehersal with Robbert Fripp of King Crimson. I do remember a huge thunder storm towards the end of the concert that sent thosands of fans running in from the rain towards the stage . I remember the pannick look on Anderson's face as he tried to settle the crowd down ; and Steve Howe strumming a few chords of "Take it EASY" AND singing those lyrics. [Eagles were opening act] They opened up with SIBERIAN Kahtru which hadn't even been released yet. I had seen Yes the prior year when they opened up for Jethro Tull in June of 71 but they had already put out 2 albums [ fragile and CTTE] Although CTTE wasn't actually out in stores yet. And 2 members had been replaced wakeman for kay and whte for brufford. There timing was just alittle off probally due to white only being with the band for 3 weeks and having a totally different style than his predisesser Brufford. It also seems to me that they ended the concert with Starship Trooper rather than Yous is no disgrace. I would have like to have seen them with Brufford instead of White because it seemed he was alittle hesitant and maybe draged the band alttle not seeming quite comfortable with the devirsity of the bannd's music. Wakeman however added a lot more complex aray of different keyboarrds fom syns to mellotrons electric and accoustic pianos and even harpsicords sorry about the spelling but you know what I mean. The band was full of energy and the crowd was verry receptive. As I mentoned earlier the Eagles opened the show promotting there day view album which from " Take it Easy" had just gone no. 1 on the charts. They also put on a fine show. I have gone on to see Yes about 11 times since than and have enjoyed the band emensily each time no matter who had left or who had come back in line up of the band Jeff Smith That was my first YesShow. Columbia is between Baltimore and Washington. Merriweather Post Pavilion is a typical summertime venue, stage/covered seating area/lawn. They also played there for ABWH and TALK. I was on the lawn. It threatened to rain all evening, and there was real thunder during Wakeman's solo (which included mellotron thunder). It did finally start to rain, and we lawn people huddled into the back of the covered area. I went to this concert just to go to a concert; I didn't care about Yes at all. I came away from it a huge Yes fan, and the glow has never worn off. Tropicsf Aug. 13, 1972, Meriwether Post Pavilion, Columbia, MD (my first Yes show), during a song I can't recall precisely (once thought it was SSOTS, but turns out that's not so, sadly), Wakeman was making thunder noises with the synth and overhead, this massive explosion of _natural_ thunder descended on us. Very loud because the venue was an amphitheatre partially covered with tarp (stage and first 20 or so rows). Of course, everyone in the band (and most of the audience) looked ceilingward in awe. Wakeman got this really sneaky, watch-me-now look on his face and melodramatically bashed out more synth-thunder. Same thing _again._ Audience goes nuts, band goes nuts, good time had by all, and another Yesstory was born. An awe-inspiring moment. |