![]() 50 years, 11 months and 3 days ago Sunday, March 10, 1974 Memphis, Tennessee Memphis Cook Convention Center 16,500 capacity
fred smith i was at this show - it was totally bizarre. the place is a big box with low flat ceilings -- horrible acoustics (thence jon's comment about the airplane hangar and the 747). this was the first show ever held there that i know of - and they handled it horribly. the seats were double sold (multiple folks had tickets for the same seats) so there were folks with great tickets who were very disgruntled over not having a seat. the fire marshall was all upset that folks weren't seated. the lighting kept coming up when the light shows were peaking - thus diminishing their effectiveness. all in all a disaster of a show - but it was truly wonderful in spite of this. i wish there were a good quality copy of the show floating around so i could relive the magic. ANCIENT VOYAGER IF YOU LISTEN VERY CLOSE JUST BEFORE CLOSE TO THE EDGE HERE IS A LOUD NOISE FROM THE STAGE AND THEN JON SAYS SOMETHING VERY ODD AND THERE IS ANOTHER LOUD NOISE AND THEN HE SAYS SOMETHING ELSE IN A WHISPER BOTH TIMES JON SEEMS VERY SUBDUED I WONDER IF THE CLIMATE IN THE BAND AT THE TIME WAS VERY BAD IT FROM THE TONE OF HIS VOISE WHEN HE SPEAKS HE SEEMS ALMOST DISTRAUGHT OR VERY UNEASY. Maybe this was the bad point between Wakeman and Anderson Steve Wehner Actually, the backstage interview is with Eddie Offord and Rick W. Not Alan. At the tail end as the taper is walking out you can hear Chris tell someone what Khatru means ('as you wish'). TOBEY'S TOPOGRAPHIC GOCART the backstage comments are hilarious that is a drunk alan white and rick is telling someone to give the taper a t-shirt and other goodies Dan I just recently purchased the Walter Carlos who later became Wendy Carlos. The lengthy music that is played before the concert starts is from the album Sonic Seansonings and the track is called Spring. Wonder who picked that one? Nick (SoulQuest7@aol.com) This is one of the most interesting audience tapes I have ever heard. Although there are better quality audience tapes from the TALES tour, this one is unique because the taper caught so much of the pre-show scene by recording the pre-concert taped music and audience banter. I took the tape to a store known for their taste in alternative music, and they quickly hypothesised that it was a Wendy Carlos album, Sonic Seasonings, which they had in stock on CD and I bought. They were correct. Originally released in 1972, it must have been a pretty pioneering album at the time. Even stranger, the taper then goes backstage after the show and meets members of the road crew and, I presume, Rick Wakeman. This tape goes beyond being an audience recording-- it is a diary of the event. It zaps you right back to your 70s concert experiences; you start to relive that culture and time. You feel like you've been on this journey with the taper. Bravo. KEVIN The music that was played before the concert started was by then Walter carlos whom later became wendy carlos. The album is titled Sonic Seasonings and the piece of music played before The Firebird excerpt is titled Spring. Just wanted to let you all know. When I heard the recording of the Cook Convention show I was like what is this beautiful music and the other day I went to a place called Joe's Record paradise and just happened to pick up the Walter Carlos album and I was so excited when I realized it was the music that Yes had used for there opening music anyway I am the biggest YESSFANATIC. Pete Whipple Before the 'Firebird Suite' starts, a lengthy intro tape was played that was mellow new-age music with a pan flute...Zamphir? ;-> |