![]() 47 years, 4 months and 22 days ago Thursday, September 22, 1977 Oakland, California Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum 15,500 capacity
Rand Kelly Sunday, March 10, 2013 4:29 AM I too recall that scenario with the dancing girls. One of them was playing with the tassle of Chris' guitar strap,he seemed to be enjoying this and then that over zealous roadie guy ruined the whole vibe Jon had to piggy-back the guy. I felt bad for Jon,he has this reputation for being non-violent and made that really heavy decision to do that. It was the only concert in my now 60.5 years I have seen something like that. Too bad that isn't on You Tube,because after 37 years the memory is a bit foggy. I'd just like to give props to Donovan. He was great and I really enjoyed his set. Dave Yes there was no rotating stage for this show and Rick did not have any problems. There was holograpic images in blue light over the band on Going For the One of an athelete running. There was a ballerina image dancing on the song Turn of the Century. I had a floor seat and we all rushed to the stage only to be pushed back by the ushers. During the last songs we all went to the front of the stage again I was in the very front I had to to turn my head to see each Yes member idividually. Jon did let the girls who jumped on stage dance with him for that number, they went right for Jon. It was great to have Rick back! Bob K Hey Gary: Yes used a rotating stage for the 1978-79 "In the Round" tours. Also for the 1980 "Drama" tour and the 1991 "Union" tour. And yes, 28 years is quite a long time! ;-) Gary Wolf Hey Bob K.- It's been almost 28 years... maybe you can help me remember when Yes did use the rotating stage.Wakemans keyboards did fail when they used that stage. I do remember that Donavon opened for Yes at one of the Oakland shows I attended...Maybe I went to to many Graetful Dead shows to remember anything clearly ? (;>) Bob K. Gary Wolf wrote: [Yes- that was my first Yes concert. One thing that wasn't been mentoined yet was shortly after the concert started all of Rick Wakeman's keboards, except for the organ, went dead for the rest of the show. Rick was pounding his keyboards in frustration. Maybe this was caused by the rotating stage or someone dropped his gear off the back of the truck.] There was no rotating stage for the 1977 Going for the One tour, Mr. Wolf. It's also quite doubtful that Wakeman's gear was non-operational for most of the gig. Gary Wolf Yes- that was my first Yes concert. One thing that wasn't been mentoined yet was shortly after the concert started all of Rick Wakeman's keboards, except for the organ, went dead for the rest of the show. Rick was pounding his keyboards in frustration. Maybe this was caused by the rotating stage or someone dropped his gear off the back of the truck. Geoff Dunn Brad, I think you'll see it's listed as "Flight Jam" which is an instrumental improvisation / variation of the same theme. Brad Tarr In looking over the posted set list, somewhere in the middle there belongs "Montreaux's Theme", officially released on YesYears. It was a gas hearing something new (and unannounced)--wish they'd do something like that more often! Kaytou Yea!...I was right there when the girls climbed up on stage and started doing the "bump" with Jon.one girl kinda freeked out and was trying to find her way back down off the stage when Steve's guitar tec grabbed her rather violently. This obviously really pissed Jon off, as he ran and jumped on the back of the rodie and shoving him as if to say "com'on if you wanna fight". The rest of the band just looked down at the floor and kept playing to ignore the scene. It was a trip to witness! Tom Russell An interesting note about one of the performances in Oakland. During the show, two gorgeous women climbed up on the stage and ran towards the band. A burly bouncer grabbed them by the collar and was about to haul them off the stage. Jon jumped on the guy's back and held on until the guy let go. He stood between the girls and the bouncer who finally got fed up and left. The girls stayed on stage dancing arm in arm with Jon for the remainder of the song. Afterwards they were "gently" escorted back into the audience. A lot has been said about how the 90125 tour opened up Yes music to a new audience including "girls". Not true. There were quite a few roses thown on stage during the show. Somehow I don't think it was men doing the throwing. |