![]() 26 years, 6 months and 8 days ago Wednesday, August 5, 1998 Antioch, Tennessee Amsouth Amphitheatre 17,000 capacity
David Momberg I am posting this revue almost 8 years late mainly because it irks me that the only one posted here is so negative. Was that guy at the same concert I was? That show was the first Yes show I had seen in about 19 years(Tormato show in Memphis '77 was the last),I saw them again in 2000 at the same venue, and at Phillips Arena in Atlanta last year(front row).We did not have particulary good seats-(almost all the way back in the pavillion seats but dead center),But the sound was INCREDIBLE!!!!!The mix was perfect!I could hear every insrument-and while I don't remember Chris'sound or playing in particular that year-Igor impessed me immensly!!!Esp. on CTTE! ROL was another highlight! The guy that went with me had been a fan for years and had never seen them and was totally blown away, He is also very critical when it comes to music and is a big fan of the likes of Allan Holdsworth,David Torn,Bela Fleck,Edgar Myer-and other EXTREMELY accomplished musicians! I know that different fans will always view the same show differntly-it doesn't mean that one is necessarily right and the other wrong. But I thought that I needed to set the record straight! And everyone we talked to on the way out after the show were just as blown away as we were!!!!P.S.The Alan Parsons Project were a great warm-up!!Brought back a lot of memories-hadn't heard those songs in 20+_ years!!!All in all-TERRIFIC SHOW!!! Peace,David. Charles Daigle Although it was nice to see the boys again, this was not a great performance by the band. Steve did a fine job, ( I think he has that affection for Nashville) and this is the only time I can ever say that his solo material was the hightlight of the show. Jon also did a great job, singing well and was very animated and funny. On the other hand Chris Stunk! His playing was sloppy and I think he caused the whole band to play rough last night. I can only hope that he was really or distracted, cause he did a poor job. He didn't even sing as much as usual. Also Igor didn't quite cut it either. The crappy patches and crunched riffs makes me think he has little interest in remaining. And the biggest gripe was the sound. The vocals were buried and over processed. Keyboards and various instruments came in constantly too loud or not their at all. The venue may have been to blame, it was my first time there. A really fine amphitheatre, Starwood is rather large, and people there estimated the crowd to be over 9,000. The good people of Nashville showed honest appreciation for the performance, although toward the end of the night interest began to fade. CTTE only drew a mild ovation, which is about what it deserved, compared to the applause I've seen for it in the past. High points of the show were SK, YIND, Wondrous Stories, Heart of the Sunrise. Low points were AYAI, CTTE, Fishpoo, OOALH I have to grant them that they are probably tired and looking forward to the end of the tour in 3 days. Hats off to Jon, Steve, Alan, (and Billy who played humbly last night) |