![]() 23 years, 5 months and 10 days ago Friday, September 7, 2001 Wantagh, New York Jones Beach Amphitheatre 10,400 capacity
steve from the bronx A GREAT SHOW INDEED. jONES BEACH IS ALWAYS A GREAT PLACE TO SEE A SHOW. ONE OF THE HIGH LIGHTS FOR ME WAS LEAVES OF GREEN. YOU JUST DONT HEAR JON DO THAT ONE EVER. I SAW OVER 30 SHOWS AT THIS POINT AND IT WAS A FIRST. LOVED IT. ANOTHER YES MEMORY!!!! Eric Friedmann My fourth YES show and absolutely unforgettable! Just to hear classic epic titles like "Close to the Edge", "Gates of Delirium" and "Ritual" in their entirety in one night made it all worth it. I do get chills, though, when I think of this show because it was just four days later that the horrific events of September 11, 2001 took place, and I watched much of it happen from the street. I haven't seen YES at Jones Beach since. Mike Russell Orchestra sound a bit thin, but a good performance overall. It is amazing how much these guys genuinely like to play together. Jon was quite talkative in between numbers: a paraphrase after TGoD: "There are two miracles happening here. The first miracle is that you still like that song after almost 30 years. The second miracle is that we can still play it!" Was surprised at how young Tom Brislin seems to be. He did a great job on the Wakeman and Moraz parts; all the runs and flourishes were there. I was surprised they didn't do "Wonderous Stories", or keep the orchestra on for "Roundabout". The "Around the drifting clouds" section of Roundabout (which they actually skipped over) would have been great with an orchestral treatment. |