![]() 20 years, 5 months and 5 days ago Wednesday, September 8, 2004 Merrillville, Indiana Star Plaza Theatre 3,400 capacity
Randy Whalen Wednesday's concert was my 23rd Yes show (counting one ABWH) and was one of the best. I was able to get a seat in the 4th row and that is the closest I've ever sat. Couple of quick notes, Going For The One was fine to open with as I don't think I'd ever seen them do it. However Parallels is one of my favs and that would be an excellent opener. I too wish they would have done Close To The Edge, but I have seen that and can't complain since the rest of the song selections were excellent. Even Owner Of A Lonely Heart (one of their lesser songs in my book, but also one of their most important from a career standpoint) sounded good. But there were two awesome highlights for me (besides sitting so close). One was that they did Starship Trooper for the encore. I was at the United Center show in May and loved it, but was totally disapointed they didn't play Trooper. But the certainly did Wednesday. That song just jams and is either the perfect show closer or encore song. The second hightlight happened more then an hour after the show. I went to the hotel lounge and hung out for awhile with a couple I sat next to at the show. About 12:15 I was walking back through the halls and not sure which way to go to get back to the parking lot when I looked and 20 feet ahead of me waiting for a side elevator was Steve Howe and his roadie! I actually met him 18 years ago when I got to go backstage at a GTR concert, but I was still a bit starstruck. I told him great show and asked for a quick autograph. But like a dummy, I had him sign the back of my business card rather then the ticket! Oh well, it was a quick sign and barely readable, but I know what it is! One other note, I wanted to shake Steve's hand, but he refused and his roadie told be he doesn't shake hands and not to take it personally. I didn't as I was just thrilled to actually see and talk to him in person. I guess he doesn't want to take a chance on damaging his hands or is afraid of germs. Maybe someone can tell me, but again it didn't matter. I spoke to him, got a quick autograph and it was a perfect way to cap a great night. D Smith The YES show in Merrillville was great. I'm glad I went even though it was a 4 hour drive from Louisville,KY. Dream Theater put on a good show and they have excellent musicianship. The guys in YES looked a little haggard and tired. They have been hitting the road pretty hard over the last few years. Rick looks like he's a little bored.Jon and Alan did come across as really enjoying themselves. The highlights for me were "And You and I" and "Awaken". I wish they would have done "Mind Drive". I hope even though they look tired, they continue to do another album and tour again next year. There is nothing like going to a YES show. It's a whole different world. Thanks guys for another great tour. mood for today Firebird Suite Going For The One Sweet Dreams I've Seen All Good People America South Side Of The Sky Yours Is No Disgrace Clap-Steve Howe Long Distance Runaround (acoustic) Wonderous Stories (acoustic) Roundabout (acoustic) Owner Of A Lonely Heart (acoustic) And You And I Awaken Starship Trooper (encore) great show. great venue. |