46 years, 10 months and 8 days ago Saturday, November 12, 1977 Gothenburg, Sweden Scandinavium 14,700 capacity
before 'I've Seen All Good People' transcribed by: Gerard Sparaco Jon Anderson:Thank you very much. Thank you. Very nice to be back in Goethenburg, Sweden. This is a song. Man In Audience: 'All Good People'. Jon Anderson: Exactly, yes. For you. before 'Wonderous Stories' transcribed by: Gerard Sparaco Jon Anderson:Here's a song, here's a song from an album we made this year down in Montreaux. New album called 'Going For the One'. This is a song from the same album called 'Wonderous Stories'. before 'Colours Of The Rainbow' transcribed by: Gerard Sparaco Jon Anderson:Here's a song for the children here. before 'And You And I' transcribed by: Gerard Sparaco Jon Anderson:It's a big Swedish thank you. We'd like to play for you a song we recorded about five years ago. Seems a long time but it's about five years. It's a couple thousand days. Here's a song, very simple title, it's called 'And You And I'. before 'Going For The One' transcribed by: Gerard Sparaco Jon Anderson:Thank you. Very delicate part of the show. We've called upon a gentleman who has been practicing for at least five minutes for this next piece of music he'll play for you. He's gonna play 'Rachmoninov's concerto' The last four bars of 'Rachmoninov's concerto, piano concerto #1 in F# minor'. Mr. Rick Wakeman. As I said, he's gonna play for you the last four bars of 'Rachmoninov's piano concerto in E'. Rick Wakeman: [playes Rachmoninov's Piano Concerto #1] Ugh. Jon Anderson: He does know a little bit of Prokeviev also, but he's keeping it to himself. These jokes won't go down in England, never mind Sweden. Really. OK, here's a little bit of rock and roll for y'all. 'Going For the One'. |