Trevor Rabin: A one, two, a one, two, three, four...
before 'Hearts'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much, thank you
before 'I've Seen All Good People'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Is this Phoenix? Is this Phoenix, Arizona? So we’re in the right place (laughter). Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo doo, doo…
before 'And You And I'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Are we still in Phoenix, Arizona? Here’s a song from many, many moons ago. And You, And You And I
before 'Soon'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Trevor Rabin: Thank you, thank you very much. Well… thank you. We’d like to introduce you now to someone who’s been in the band for a long time, longer than memory… Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Jon Anderson!
before 'Starship Trooper'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: It’s good to be with you again. I’d like to thank you all so much for coming tonight…. and we’ll see you again very soon. Starship, Starship, Starship, Starship, Starship, Starship…