Jon Anderson: Woo! Thank you. Hey, it's Saturday night. Gotta loosen up now. Great to be with you this evening. 'Shock To The System'. Shock to the rights of mankind. Shock to the politian.
before 'Heart Of The Sunrise'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Woo! Gosh. You gotta wake up and dream. Somebody told. You gotta wake up and dream. Like a sharp distant dream. Just wake up and dream.
before 'Clap'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Woo! Thank you very much. Reminds me when..uh we first wrote that song we've been working together. Just for a few years we were working in the city. we actually wrote that song down in Devon which is a beuatufil, beautiful part of England. That's why we're more into trying to figure out [???] besides the city. Rubish. It's always a great pleasure to introduce, on aucustic guitar. The maestro Mr. Steve Howe.
before 'Make It Easy'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Trevor Rabin: Thank you.
before 'And You And I'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Woo! Really gotta tell ya. Really don't know. Alright. Here's a song that..uh last night I dreamed about this song last night and still even in the dream it was really wonderful to play but..uh The song is called..uh you know, you know. You know what it is.
before 'Drum Duet'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Announcer: Are you ready? Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. Alan White, Mr. Bill Bruford.
before 'Changes'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: The original drum machine, thunder machine. Mr. Alan White. On the electronic drums, Mr. Bill Bruford. Some say he's a dangerous man. Others agree. The original, the unmistakable, Mr. Tony Kaye.
before 'I've Seen All Good People'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Trevor Rabin: Thank you.
Jon Anderson: Woo! Thank you so much. Thank you. Under the Saturday night. Sorry. We're going to sing a song together now. It's like a sing along now. Sing along. You all know this song. We're going to sing it in. We're going to record you tonight by the way. Let me get the microphone. Woo! The one of..uh one of the modern technology we can recording every night. [???] record the microphone up there can hear you singing. We are in the key of E. Everybody. Woo!
before 'Solly's Beard'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Woo! Unbelievable, you guys are so fantastic. Yo! Woo! Woo! [???]. As you've..uh probably noticed that..uh this is a very brand new stool. A stool was..uh specially imported from Sweden. Came today. It's the right color. The right design. so is the guitar. This guy spends so much time in the studio and last month he became an American citizen. Mr. Trevor Rabin.
before 'Saving My Heart'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Trevor Rabin: Thank you very much. Thank you Washington. Great to be back here again.
Jon Anderson: So there was this time and..uh running up the Trevor's house which is really a big studio and..uh he was sitting there sing this song pretty much like we did it that day. Kinda groovy.
before 'Lift Me Up'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Woo! Gotta 'Lift Me Up' she said. 'Lift Me Up' told her. [???]. 'Lift Me Up'. Gotta 'Lift Me Up'.
before 'Wakeman Solo'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. As we..uh travel around ..uh. We just spent six weeks in Europe traveling around. This time we start down in Florida and work our way up and round about and here we are. Saturday night Washington. When traveling so much you gotta have a sense of humor and someone in the band has got the most crazy sense of humor in the world and not only that he's the wizards of the keyboards. Mr. Rick Wakeman.