25 years and 26 days ago Thursday, September 9, 1999 Sao Paulo, Brazil Olympia 6,000 capacity
before 'America' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Sao Paulo. Hey Sao Paulo Hey Sao Paulo [something in Spanish] Sao Paulo. before 'Lightning Strikes' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Steve Howe on guitar over there. [something in Spanish]. Hey Sao Paulo. Hey Sao Paulo. [???] this song 'Hey Sao Paulo'. Here's a new song from the album 'The Ladder' 'The Ladder'. New song 'New Languages'. The language of love. before 'New Language' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Song from 'The Ladder'. 'New Language'. New language of love. Here it comes. Hold on tightly. before 'Time And A Word' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:[something in Spanish]. before 'Homeworld' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Chris Squire on bass guitar. Woo! Here's a new song from 'The Ladder'. before 'Clap' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Igor Khoroshev on the keyboards here. Igor. Woo! [something in Spanish]. Thank you so much, thank you. 'Homeworld' is from..uh the new album 'The Ladder'. Coming out [???] on CD in two weeks time and..uh I hope you like the whole album. It's very enjoyable happy album. We're going to give you..uh a little bit of time with the incredible. The really great guitar player. Mr. Steve Howe. before 'Nous Sommes Du Solei' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:[something in Spanish] Sao Paulo. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Getting over over hanging trees, let them rape the forest. They might just as well. [something in Spanish] Sao Paulo. Thank you. before 'Hearts' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Thank you. Thank you Sao Paulo. This is a song that [???]. [???]. One heart is for loving. One heart is for giving. Two hearts are better than one. One heart is for love. One heart is for giving. Two hearts are better than one. before 'Nine Voices' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Thank you so much. Thank you. Here's a song. A new song from..uh from 'The Ladder'. This song is a dedication to my lovely wife Jane. Beautiful, thank you. [???]. We're going to do a song called 'Nine Voices'. before 'Awaken' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:On the tubla, Mr. Alan White on the tubla. Tubla. Mr. Billy Sherwood on lead on 'Nine Voices'. before 'Roundabout' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you very much. Just like to..uh take this opportunity to thank you so much for being with us these last two days in Sao Paulo. We start..uh our tour in..this week in Brazil and then we're travel every where in the world to the year 2000 and you will all be in our hearts. [???] beginning of our tour. Thank you so much. [???]. I hope and pray in 2001 we can come back and play to you in Sao Paulo. before 'I've Seen All Good People' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Thank you so much Sao Paulo. 'Hep Yadda' a song from..uh the new album the..uh. Here's a song [???] singing. after 'I've Seen All Good People' transcribed by: Pete Whipple Jon Anderson:Thanks Sao Paulo. |