Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you for coming along this evening in this lovely wonderful little place. Great to be with you. We'd like to play a..a couple of..uh new songs. We just finished a new album in fact. We finished it about yesterday in fact today and..uh it's..uh an album called..uh 'Magnification' and..uh like they say in [???] magnify [???]. I'm making it up. I'm making it up. We'll do a song called 'Don't Go' okay?
before 'Gates Of Delirium, The'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. I'd like to introduce to William Straumburg and the symphony orchestra this evening. William. [???]. [???]. I'm telling a joke. Want to hear a joke? [???] I have about seven hundred bucks [???] and I like to watch..uh horse racing. It was the seventh hour and the seventh race and I picked the seventh horse. [???]. I put my seven hundred bucks down. He came in seventh. Thank you. So here we are with..uh sorta adventure into the extremes of music and sound and the orchestra is going to join in with 'Gates Of Delirium'.
before 'Masquerade'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. As we've been saying, we spend a lot of time together over the years which is kinda cool. The intensity of the way you listen makes us want to play better each night so thank you so much. We'll leave you now with the guitar wizard. Mr. Steve Howe.
before 'Wonderous Stories'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Steve Howe: Alright. thank you so much. [???].
Jon Anderson: Woo! Steve Howe.
Steve Howe: Amazing.
Jon Anderson: Like..uh like good wine it's just gets better and better. We'd like to do a song now which..uh I think I wrote this one morning on the way to the studio. As I was driving along side of the road. [???]. Okay here's a song called 'Wondrous Stories'.
before 'And You And I'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. Woo! That's a..that's a song we wrote about thirty years ago and I still can't get the words right. It's just..I try my best. Every night and [???]. I've got it written down on this gizmo here. [???]. DVD sorta. [???]. It's very good and I did watch Spinal Tap on it. [???]. Sorry. Here's a song we love to do every night. [???].
before 'Ritual'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Again we'd like to thank William Straumburg and the symphony orchestra [???]. I'd like to introduce you to our keyboard player here. He's a great guy from New Jersey. His name is Tom Brislin. [???]. We'll sorta jump into the..uh sorta 'Tales From Topographic Oceans' song. It's called 'Ritual'.
before 'I've Seen All Good People'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Very spaced out. I know I was very sorta on the planet Zongo as I used to say years ago. Still there. We're going to do a song now that you can all sing along and can dance [???]. You people can dance and [???]. In the key of.
before 'Starship Trooper'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Woo! Thank you all for coming out this evening. It's been great.