Jon Anderson: Thank you, thank you so much, thank you. It’s great to be with you in Seattle. It really is great to be with you. We’ve been here a couple of weeks, and this is one of the most beautiful places in the world, it really is. We did get sunshine. Here’s a song about all of us finding the true America … [???]
before 'In The Presence Of'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much, thank you, thank you so much. Here’s a song that we recorded last year.
before 'South Side Of The Sky'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much, thank you. As most of you know, this is our first show of our tour. So I have to forget some words [???]. Okay, we’re going to do a song which we’ve never played on stage in America, or maybe we did once, it was kind of crazy at that time, wasn’t it? We haven’t played it anywhere, and, uh, we’re not going to play it tonight, yes we will. It’s a story about three guys who went into this mountain, uh, big mountains in the Himalayas, and just disappeared, you know, without a trace. And you start wondering, what would it feel like to go up to the mountains and then not [???] to heaven [???] what kind of adventure would it be? South Side of the Sky
before 'Leaves Of Green'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much, thank you so much. Thank you, thank you. To be able to get together, to be able to sing that song, perform that song here in 2002 is quite wonderful. So thank you, thank you so much. We’ll leave you the capable hands of the wonderful guitar player Mr. Steve Howe.
before 'Wakeman Solo'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much, that’s a song for my one and only, my beautiful wife, Jane. There she is [???]. The wonderful, extraordinary, and very funny Mr. Rick Wakeman.
before 'Heart Of The Sunrise'
transcribed by: Allison
Chris Squire: Mr. Rick Wakeman and Mr. Jon Anderson on vocal, what a duo.
Jon Anderson: As we all know coins an crosses never know their fruitless worth. What was it? Locked inside the mother earth. [???] It all comes to you eventually, you all see it, it will be wonderful, It is wonderful. Here’s a song called Heart of the Sunrise.
before 'Magnification'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. This is a song, if you haven’t heard, we recorded this last year. It’s the title track from the album we made with orchestra. And this song is about the idea that if you magnify everything that is good within you, everything outside that is good will truly magnify around you. That’s the way it works. This song is called Magnification.
before 'Don't Kill The Whale'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much, thank you.
before 'Whitefish'
transcribed by: Allison
Chris Squire: That was a song [???] a song about fish
before 'Awaken'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Chris Squire on bass guitar. The amazing Chris Squire. On drums Alan White.
before 'Roundabout'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: We want to thank you all for coming along this evening. As you know, it’s our first show and we’re trying to figure out what we’re doing and it was great to be able to play for you this evening. So for this last song, everybody up and dance and sing along, you know this song.