Jon Anderson: [starts to play song] Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Thank you so much. You freaked us out. It's great to be with you this evening. Thank you for coming along. Great to be with you. America the beautiful. America the amazing. [starts to play song] Okay. This is so beautiful. Here's a great song by Paul Simon.
before 'In The Presence Of'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. Here's a song recorded last year and..uh the idea of song is simple. We're surrounded by amazing energy constantly and sometimes, sometimes we tap into it and it makes us feel really good so all we have to do is keep taping into it just like a spinal tap. [???]
before 'South Side Of The Sky'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. This next song is a song we wrote some 30 years ago and we never ever played it. I think we did play it a couple of times. It's a story about these three guys who went into the mountains of the Himalayas and never returned. I started to write a poem about it and..uh eventually it became this song about what's it's like to traverse out of serious coldness into the heat and warmth of the divine. We'll use a lot of sound effects now but I just here on my own [???] I guess. I feel the cold on the 'South Side Of The Sky'.
before 'Leaves Of Green'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. It's..uh amazing to be able to play that piece of music 27 years later in the year 2002. Of course without you we wouldn't be able to do it so thank you. We appreciate it. We're going to leave you in the capable and wonderful guitar styles. The magic of Mr. Steve Howe.
after 'Little Galliard, The'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Steve Howe: Thank you so much. Thank you very much thank you. It's great to play Chicago thanks. Thanks. It's my pleasure to play for you..The Little Galliard and just before that 'The Ancient' Right now though there is a short intermission for the guys in the back in about 15 minutes, thanks.
before 'Show Me'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Hey having a good time? This is a great theater isn't it. I always wanted to play in a theater. [???]. words of cabaret. I want to sing a song for you guys uh..I've been sorta writing these songs in the last few months in my garage. You know and if you go to you can actually see me with this computer idea that I'm working on and..uh this is one of the songs. I make it up every night so.
before 'Wakeman Solo'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: The original wizard of the keyboards, Mr. Rick Wakeman.
before 'Heart Of The Sunrise'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Chris Squire: Jon and Rick together again in Chicago.
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much.
before 'Magnification'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: Chris Squire. Thank you so much. Thank you. Woo. Days..days that we speak I believe that you were right, shouldn't chase the demons and the phantoms of the night. You should chase them. Just forget it. This song is about the idea that you magnify everything that is good within you also everything that is outside of you should also magnify and everything [???]. The song is called 'Magnification'.
before 'Whitefish'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Chris Squire: [???]. That was..uh that was a song about mammals, and..uh now the song is about fish.
before 'Roundabout'
transcribed by: Pete Whipple
Jon Anderson: We're going to continue singing and dancing cause we're going to do 'Roundabout' okay?