Jon Anderson: Thank you so much, thank you. It’s so great to be with you at Shoreline. Thank you for coming along this evening. We’re going to do a song by the great Paul Simon all about this beautiful country called America.
before 'In The Presence Of'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Here’s a song that we recorded last year, a song about being in the presence of
before 'South Side Of The Sky'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much, thank you. This is a song about, actually this is a story about three guys travelling in the mountains of the Himalayas and got lost and died and stuff. I think I saw it on the Discovery channel, or something like that. I started writing this poem about what it would be like to die in the freezing cold – I was pretty stoned at the time -- here’s a song that came out of that, South Side of the Sky.
before 'Leaves Of Green'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much for listening, thank you so much, thank you. It’s so wonderful to be able to perform that piece of music 27 years later. We hope you enjoy it, we really enjoy playing it. This is only our third on the tour, the beginning of the tour. So we’re still swimming out way through the songs. Sometimes it’s like swimming through treacle, but sometimes it’s really cool. Thank you. We’d like to leave you in the capable hands, wonderful guitar styles of Mr. Steve Howe on guitar.
after 'Little Galliard, The'
transcribed by: Allison
Steve Howe: Thank you. Lovely to play the Little Galliard for you. Right now, we’re going to hang about [???] for 15 minutes. The band will be back then.
before 'Show Me'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: I’m going to sing a song for you, okay?
before 'Wakeman Solo'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: Thank you, thank you so much, that’s a song for, I’m just learning about this song, that’s a song for my lovely, beautiful wife, my soulmate Jane, there she is. Love is so powerful. Love is just all there is. All you really need is Love And all you really need is the master, the wizard of the keyboards, Mr. Rick Wakeman.
before 'Heart Of The Sunrise'
transcribed by: Allison
Chris Squire: Jon and Rick together again.
Jon Anderson: Heart of the Sunrise.
before 'Magnification'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: It really brings back so many memories that song, so thank you for listening, thank you. Here’s a new song from last year, and the title of this song is basically that whatever you magnify from within, all the goodness that you have, is magnified then outside of you [???] … does that make sense. So magnify and everything will work. This song is called Magnification.
before 'Whitefish'
transcribed by: Allison
Chris Squire: Thank you all. That was song about mammals. And here’s a song about fish.
before 'Awaken'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: On bass guitar, Mr. Chris Squire. And on the drums, Mr. Alan White.
before 'Roundabout'
transcribed by: Allison
Jon Anderson: I want to take this opportunity to thank you all very well. The year 2002. Everything is true. I hope that everything will come for you in the year 2002. Thank you for coming along this evening. It’s great to play here once more. We hope we can do it again some time. Sing along please