Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you. It’s great to be with you here in beautiful Berlin. Thank you. We’re going to start off with ‘Magnification’.
before 'In The Presence Of'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Music is so powerful. The rhythms are so magical. I’ve seen so many people today, walking around the centre of Berlin. It’s amazing. Everything is in order, everybody is okay. We are surrounded by the divine, constantly. Constantly.
before 'We Have Heaven'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Thank you for listening to that song. Thank you. Here’s, well, you know it’s a new song, right? So, we love it when anybody knows them, and thank you for listening and, okay. We were recording an album, ahh, ‘Fragile’, the album ‘Fragile’, and downstairs there was another studio. And I found a key to the studio, because it was empty. The schlussel! And, ahh, so I went down and I wrote this song, at that time. It was like this, so sing along if you have any idea about this song. (Starts and stops song) Sorry, I was [??], it’s okay. [??] except we’re playing in the big top and we are a bunch of clowns, you see. Okay.
before 'South Side Of The Sky'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Running away with the schlussel!
before 'And You And I'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Wooh! It was that, ahh, I think it was the same year that we wrote the next song, and ahh, I think so. You have been looking at the website! We were just getting ready, it was like Tuesday afternoon, two o’clock, ten past two. And we said okay, let’s record it, let’s try and record it.
before 'Second Initial'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Steve Howe: Thank you very much. You’re most kind. Thank you! [??] ‘To Be Over’, thank you. I’m going to do a tune I wrote for a guy who I love very much, by the name of Virgil. He’s a very brilliant multi musician, Virgil, my son, one of my sons. And ahh, I wrote this tune for him when he was born and ahh, it gives me a lot of pleasure to play it for you. Because in fact, in July he is remixing the Yes tunes, it’s coming out. I’m sure it will be a crazy remix. This is called ‘Second initial’.
before 'Show Me'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: How are you doing, everybody? Everything okay? Okay everybody, okay? Wonderful, wonderful. I’d like to sing you a song, and ahh, it’s a dedication. Actually I found this tape around the time that we did the ‘Fragile’ album. For my dear wife. It never went on the album, this song, so I decided to learn it again, for my lovely wife, Jane. It’s a song that’s called, I haven’t got a title for the song yet. But my Jane, she looks after me, and we walk around every city, we enjoy touring.
Man In Audience: Come on Jon!!
Jon Anderson: Yes, okay then.
before 'Wakeman Solo'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Thank you. The original wizard of the keyboards, Mr. Rick Wakeman!
before 'Heart Of The Sunrise'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Any requests? ‘Heart Of The Sunrise’? Okay, we’ll do that!
before 'Awaken'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: On bass guitar, Chris Squire! On the drums, Mr. Alan White on drums!
before 'Roundabout'
transcribed by: Geoff Dunn
Jon Anderson: Thank you so much. [??] I want to thank you all again for coming along this evening. It’s been great to be able to play to you in the year 2003. Thank you so much. I think we have a couple of songs for you that you can sing along and dance a little bit. If you can dance, I don’t know.